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**Walk Fast, Cola de Paloma (Spanish) Xiphidium caeruleum and/or Xiphidium caeruleum Aublet
This is a lovely additional option for your warm climate shady garden. It will grow to have leaves about 15" long and it will spread nicely once it settles in. Now and again it will have delicate white flowers.
Benefits: It is said to have been used as a curative for callous cracks on the soles of feet and on other types of calluses as well.
From: Mexico, the Caribbean and South America
Photographed: To the left, in our shady terrace garden at our former home on the Caribbean island of Montserrat and below in the Jardin Botanique in Tahiti in 2012.

Planting and Care:
This plant prefers the shade and it will survive dry periods well, but it does seem to do much better when given regular rainfall or watering. As you can see in the photograph on the left, I paired it with spider plants for a companionable bit of green and white.
Text and Photographs © 2013

This was one of my plant mysteries kindly solved by the very knowledgeable Ursula G. living in Southern Germany


**Walking Iris See The "I" Page IRISES -- Walking Iris
Walnuts Juglans regia
For some reason growing up in Rhode Island automatically meant eating a lot of walnuts. They were in the Thanksgiving nut tray, many of the fruit breads my mother made, a staple ingredient of "maple walnut ice cream" and always in brownies. Having moved to Mexico, I began to prefer all my recipes made with pecans, which seem to lack the often bitter edge of walnuts.
I've now seen walnuts being touted as reducing high blood pressure and more oddly as the perfect food to eat if you want to toss away your chap stick tube. In the latter case it was even specified that eating 7 whole unshelled walnuts a day would do the trick. If you try it, I'd love to hear if it works so I can toss out my chap stick.
Photographed:   In the Royal Botanical Gardens in Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Planting and Care:
Text and Photograph © 2013
**Wandering Jew -- See The "I" Page -- INCH PLANT

Watercress Nasturtium officinale
Watercress is one of the most delicious greens available to us, but because it grows in or beside flowing water the risks are pretty evident. In our market in Panajachel, watercress arrives periodically in mountainous bunches as fresh and beautiful as can only be imagined in a supermarket. We succumb routinely to its charms, but only very rarely now include raw watercress in salads. I have several delicious recipes for cooked watercress and can only hope that the nutritional quality is not too diminished by heat.
Benefits: Popeye would have loved watercress as it offers more iron than spinach and it's loaded with very beneficial antioxidants. Buy it ONLY organically grown in the hopes that somewhere in the world there is a running stream of water that is not polluted.
Asia and Europe

Planting and Care: Watercress is a perennial so once you've got it growing beside your mountain clear water stream you'll enjoy it for years.
Text and Photograph © 2014

Water Ivy -- See the "G" Page -- GERMAN IVY

According to Yahoo News this is a good fruit to have on your side, "Rich in vitamin C and a great source of potassium, watermelon is also a highly concentrated source of the antioxidant lycopene. A diet that includes this ruby-colored fruit will help prevent the growth of polyps in the colon, as well as help fight heart disease."
Planting and Care:
© 2018


Watermelon Plant -- See the "A" Page -- ALUMINUM PLANT
Wax Plant Hoya camosa

Planting and Care:
Text and Photograph © 2013
Photographed: In the Winter Garden in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2013.
Web Sites See The "L" Page -- Links
Wedding Bouquet Ledenbergia peruviana
As you can see in the photographs this is one of those very special shrubs that should find its way into any warm climate garden. I tried researching it for a common or scientific name now and then for a few years or truthfully for anything else about its growing preferences with no luck until a visitor to this site wrote to tell me its name.
South America
Photographed: In the Botanical Garden at the Hotel Atitlan on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala in 2013.
Planting and care: This is a tropical plant that will do fine in full sun or in a sunny place in the garden that gets some shade. During the growing season it likes to be moist, but it prefers to be a little drier during its resting period.
Text & Photographs © 2013/2018

Shrub Mystery solved by Ursula G. living in Southern Germany

Weeping Maple See the "F" Page -- Flowering Maple

Wheat Triticum spp.
Naively, I never thought of Italy as a wheat producing country, never putting 2 and 2 together to come up with fabulous bread and pasta. Even with all the wheat fields we saw, Italy is in the top ten wheat importers in the world. Driving the circumference of Sicily, I was impressed with the simple beauty of a wheat field. I'm also very glad that so far even with Hilary Clinton's help, Monsanto hasn't been able to convince other countries that GM wheat would be a good idea.
Benefits: Need we discuss this?
The Near East.
Photographed: Immediately below in the (Ortobotanico) Botanical Garden in Naples, Italy, in 2014. Below that in Sicily in 2012.
Planting and Care:

Text and Photograph © 2013

Whiskers Scirpus cernuus
This is a delightful border plant I'd never seen before.

Photographed:   In the Winter Garden in Auckland, New Zealand, 2013
Planting and Care:
Text and Photograph © 2013
**White Cedar Tree Tabebuia heterophylla (DC.) Britton or Tabebuia pallida (Lindl.)
Normally growing to 60 feet, our white cedars were trimmed unmercifully by the former owners; the trees were probably invading the ocean view or suffered lost branches in the devastating Hurricane Hugo which hit Montserrat in 1989. The leaves of these trees are very attractive, oval and a bright dark green. We are nursing along those that we have. They aren’t as beautiful as they might have been, but it is too late now for them to achieve their real distinction. They provide a few but very lovely trumpet shaped lavender flowers and the wood is said to be attractive.
Benefits: The leaves and twigs of this tree made into a decoction are believed to provide an important cure for the fish poisoning disease called Ciguatera.
Just below our bigger mango tree at our former home in Montserrat.
Planting and Care:
Text & Photograph © KO2005
White Ginger See the "G" Page -- GINGER -- White Ginger 
White Rattle Shaker
**White Wood Sorrel See The "S" Page SHAMROCK PLANT
**Wild Cinnamon Tree See The "B" Page BAY RUM TREE
**Wild Cumin See The "C" Page CARAWAY


Animals, birds, lizards, snakes, spiders, insects and more!

       Montserrat does not have a long list of sizeable or dramatic wildlife -- our own pretty wild chickens and the daily visit to our vegetable gardens by a few agoutis, large rodents endemic to the Caribbean, an iguana or two and our neighbor's cats and dogs all made the short list of what we thought of as animals on the island.
       One afternoon during my treasured nap I woke to the braying of a young bull. Since my husband often skillfully entertains us with his very carefully crafted animal noises, I thought, "Oh, it's just Stassi." When I went out to water our small plants at about 5:00 PM, I spotted the calf's droppings at our front door and realized the noise was indeed coming from a calf.
       Stassi and I headed out for our evening walk and soon ran into a neighbor, a young fellow named Derek. We told him where we had last seen the calf which we believed to be his and he was quickly off on the search speeding around the neighborhood in his "mini" look alike trying to find his young bull. Animal husbandry is an activity not allowed in a few of Montserrat's neighborhoods like Olveston, but that law was ignored along with that of mixing commercial and residential properties.


**Agouti, Rabbit (in Montserrat)
This was one of our delightful garden visitors very similar in looks to a guinea pig and about the size of a large house cat. Their fur is dark brown, almost black, and they have soft pink ears. These charming little fellows are members of the rodent family. They are vegetarian and when in a safe environment they are creatures of the day. If things get tough, they easily become nocturnal. They have a peculiar habit of stopping when scared, then jumping straight in the air and "poof" they are gone!
Text and Photographs © 2009

Photographed: From our deck looking over the national park toward St. Peter's at our former home in Montserrat.
Photographed: At the Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum in Bristol, RI, in the USA in 2014.


Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca
We encountered these birds first in the Botanical Garden in Sydney and later in the Chinese Garden there. They are not aggressive in a nasty way, but they will step in to take something they want if the opportunity comes their way. In the end, they have a funny sort of appeal.
Photographed: At the truly special Chinese Garden in Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Photographed: At the extraordinary Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney, Australia, 2013.
On our terrace in Crown Point, Tobago, in 2017
Mystery Bird
In our apartment garden in Crown Point, Tobago, in 2017
Mystery Blue Birds
Photographed: In Golden Grove, Tobago, in 2018.

'Noisy Miner' or Indian Myna
At the Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney, Australia, 2013.

'Noisy Miner' or Indian Myna
At the Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney, Australia, 2013.


Mystery Duck
In the Chinese Garden in Sydney, Australia, in 2013.

Mystery Bird
At the Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney, Australia, 2013.

Birds by the Marsh
At the Magdalena Hotel in Tobago, in 2018

**Green Backed Heron (in Montserrat) Butorides virecens
Below are photographs of Bob, a lovely bird that made us and our pool his close friends. He stopped by regularly on the rim of our pool and dipped his beak in the water every now and then, either getting a drink or catching a bug. As a person totally unable to identify birds, even after buying Peterson's Guide I simply named him Bob and then struck up a conversation with him. He seemed to like to hear my voice and over the last year or so he has dared to come as close as four feet, reminding me very much of a long ago trip to the Galapagos Islands where wildlife had little fear of humans.
Links: For more information click on the following
Text and Photographs © 2008

Bob was identified by our neighbor Jotinder B. from Britain who lived and worked for a while in Montserrat.

Photographed: From our deck looking over the national park toward St. Peter's and by our pool at our former home in Montserrat.
**Caribbean Pigeon (in Montserrat) or Mystery Bird
This is one of the larger more common birds on Montserrat. Some of the older folks there speak very fondly of having eaten them when younger. At a distance they simply seem very dark, but you can see how lovely their coloring is in the photographs below. This fellow was stunned after flying into a glass window in our dining room. After sitting for a while on our deck he recovered and flew away.
Photographed: On our deck railing at our former home in Montserrat.
Text and Photographs © 2009
**Caribbean Doves (in Montserrat)
These sweet birds are as common in Montserrat as is the pigeon pictured above. The dove pictured on the left found a unique way to court his love. He sat on the chair on our deck right outside our bedroom window and called to her in the tree just thirty feet away. She flew in and sat with him on the chair for a few minutes. Soon they jumped up to the wooden deck railing to walk a bit and fluff their feathers. Within a few minutes they flew off to her tree and, hiding behind the pothos leaves, they...! This tryst went on for quite some time.
Photographed: On a chair on our deck just outside our bedroom window at our former home in Montserrat.
Text and Photographs © 2009/2010
As he calls to his love, the little fellow plumps up his neck and brightens his coloring. We believe that doves mate for life so all of this courting seems to have real benefits. Maybe we can learn something from them.
Text and Photographs © 2009


Central American Parrot (Guatemala)
At the entrance to Hotel Vision Azul on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.
Photograph ©KO 2010

Macaws (Guatemala)
At the Hotel Atitlan on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.
(NOTE: If you are wearing sandals remember that Macaws will come after your toes and with their beak strength they can snap them like twigs)
Photographs ©KO 2010


Peacocks Visiting Our Garden in Guatemala
In our garden at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Photograph © 2011, 2013, and 2014


On the right is a female albino peacock. She has never been able to produce young.


Wild Bird Mystery
At the Grafton Bird Sanctuary in Grafton, Tobago, in 2018.
Wild Bird Mysteries 1 and 2
Photographed in Osorno, Chile in 2019

Woodpecker, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
One day, all day, I heard a knock, knock, knocking that led me to the garden to see what was up. Having looked round and round I finally spied a woodpecker digging the nest for his new family. He chose an old, very dead tree that we use as an orchid hanger as you'll see in the photograph. There he is in the lower left quadrant of the photograph.

Photographed: In the spring of 2014, in our garden at Lake Atitlan, in Guatemala.


Monarch Larvae and Butterfly (Guatemala)
We found this little fellow on the left hanging from the bottom of a stem.
Photographed: In our garden at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala
Photographs © 2013

Mystery Butterfly #1 (Guatemala)
Photographed: At Lake Atitlan in the Guatemala highlands
Photograph © 2013

CHICKENS (Montserrat)

       After the Soufriere volcano erupted for the second time in three hundred years - 1995 was the first and 1997 was the second -- the southern two thirds of Montserrat were completely abandoned by humans. Tragically many domesticated animals were left behind. Farm animals including chickens, sheep, goats and cows could not easily be evacuated along with their owners. In many cases neither were family pets, cats and dogs and probably other little critters. There are many tragic tales told of the human losses incurred during this volcanic crisis, but not so often tales told of what the animals experienced.
       What we saw and experienced first hand is the number of feral or wild chickens roaming neighborhoods and living on once fairly impressive properties. We decided to look into the idea of eating free range chicken and had many an adventure in doing so.
Text and Photograph © 2008

Link: To our own chicken hunting story


**Toads (Montserrat)
These large lumpy toads are commonplace in Montserrat. During dry season they spend much of their time in moist garden pots as you see in the photograph. If you are having trouble seeing them look for two pairs of eyes on the left hand side of the pot.
Text and Photographs © 2008

**Tree Frogs (Montserrat)
Take a look at the little fellow in the photograph to the left. Every evening for weeks he came in through a small space in the screen of our kitchen window. He spent the night with us in our jar of rosemary cuttings and was almost always gone in the morning. These tiny tree frogs are adorable until you step on one barefooted in the night. When that happens these sweet tiny creatures secrete a toxin that you won't find very appealing.
Text and Photograph ©KO 2008 



(In Montserrat)
In Montserrat we had an extraordinary variety of lizards -- all sorts -- from tiny to enormous, from dull colored to bright turquoise and they popped up out of everywhere! To the left is a photograph of our potted celery plant which I used in the evening when I needed a sprig or two of celery in the kitchen. One night I went out and reaching into the pot to cut a stem I found the little fellow in the photo. We both jumped!

The surprising thing about the small lizards in Montserrat is that they are so aggressive. A tiny three inch lizard will turn to face you as if it had a chance in combat with a giant that chose to fight. The larger lizards in the garden, those that are twelve to fifteen inches long and a dull turquoise in color, seem less aggressive or maybe they are just smarter. As I approached, they ran which was just fine with me. I did find them endlessly entertaining when I watched them in the gardens from my perch on our deck. Then of course we had huge iguanas. These are not friends of gardeners as they voraciously eat everything that is planted.
Text and Photograph © 2008 and 2014


This little fellow lived in our clumping bamboo.

Here's another good hiding spot behind the shutters.


**Ground Lizards (In Montserrat)
These are tough insect eating lizards, little tanks in the garden. They seem to be able to "hear" what is beneath the soil as we have seen them digging and certainly have had to clean up their messes, soil pitched this way and that as they chase a below the soil snack. These lizards which can be more than eighteen inches long are extremely skittish around humans. This always seems surprising because little fellows like the three inch green lizard in the celery in the photograph above will often stand up to fight when we approach.
Text and Photographs © 2008


 **Iguanas (In Montserrat)
The fellow in the locust tree below our deck was about two feet long, nose to tip of tail. He was a serious eating machine. Sadly he was a vegetarian and preferred whatever was featured in my tropical island vegetable garden. Obviously he was not one of our favorite creatures, but he was magnificent!
Text and Photograph © 2009

Photo courtesy of Marg Barker


Greenhouse Lizard in Sydney
This fellow was a surprise to find inside a greenhouse, but everyone needs a place to live, right?
Photographed: In the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney, Australia, in 2013.
Text and Photograph © 2014

**Black Crab. Jumbie Crab (In Montserrat)
Stepping out to the road one night as we were "beeped" by the horn of a car we could not see, we found this peculiar fellow along with Oriel Watts delivering a fresh sirloin of beef. The crab was by the side of the road, a foot wide creature with a very aggressive nature. My husband, Stassi, was trying to corral it for some pictures, but he retreated quickly in the face of its attack. Oriel was very uncomfortable saying to us, "You can't eat it and they are bad luck. It's a jumbie crab."  Oriel is a man over six feet tall and very substantial, yet this little crab was very upsetting to him. He couldn't get back in his car and away quickly enough.
Text and Photographs © 2009

Photo courtesy of Marg Barker

Photo courtesy of Marg Barker
**Young Black Crab or Mystery Crab (In Montserrat)
One day we discovered this creature on the first stair of our pool. When he realized we were there and intent on pool cleaning he decided to let us know that he was NOT PLEASED! It is surprising here in Montserrat how aggressive very small animals are. This little fellow, two inch lizards and more will stand up and fight when they could simply scamper away. We found people on the island behaved the same way.
Text and Photographs © 2009
Photo courtesy of Marg Barker
Photo courtesy of Marg Barker

**Ants (In Montserrat)
Ants are the green revolution insects in the garden. They bring and care for aphids and a host of other insects who all produce products the ants harvest. Though there might be beneficial effects of having ants in the garden, I’ve never heard of even one. We just learned from an older fellow in Montserrat that his parents used their urine directly on sorrel, cassava, tomato plants and lime trees to eliminate the ants that find the roots of these plants and trees to be especially delectable. We used a ten to one dilution (10 parts water/1 part urine) and found far fewer ants the next day. The plants were fine and seemed to appreciate the absence of ants.
Text © KO 2008
**Cutworms (In Montserrat)
These are unattractive one inch long thick whitish grub like creatures that live in the soil and whose sole purpose in life is to cut the stems of your young newly planted vegetables and flowers right at ground level. The cutworms don't usually cut all the way through the stems, but do enough damage to ensure that the plants do not survive. We had them in New England gardens and then I found them in the Caribbean as well.
Treatment: Shielding your plants with card paper collars which surround the stem from a few inches below ground to a few inches above ground will do the trick.
Text and Photograph © 2008


**Canna Lily Caterpillars (In Montserrat)
As you can see to your right these nasty critters have eaten to shreds our three varieties of cannas. We used our usual soapy water spray on them, but these caterpillars seemed to love the shower and they kept on eating.



Caterpillar at Thuya Garden (On Mt. Desert Island, Maine)
I am forever grateful that we do not have this critter at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala or at least I haven't seen it yet. It is quite stunning, but I don't want to even imagine how much it can eat in a day.
Dragonflies (In Montserrat)

Ladybugs (In Maine)
In the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay Maine, 2013.


Leaf Miners
Leaf miners can be identified by the trail larva of a variety of insects leaves behind. The larva tunnel within the leaves of many plants, but on any type of edible leafy green they are especially unsightly.
1. One of the best things you can do to prevent future generations of leaf miners is to simply remove any leaf where you see evidence of their presence. Once removed, dispose of the leaves by burning. Do not put them in your compost pile.
2. Wasps called Diglyphus isaea can be purchased and released in your garden. There they will go to work dining on some of the insects responsible for depositing larva that will cause this type of leaf damage.
3. What amused me greatly is just reading (9/2018) that neem oil effectively controls leaf miners. When we lived in Montserrat, finding alternatives to the prodigious amounts of poisons used by gardeners and farmers on the island was not easy. I read about neem at the time and we had a few neem trees so a marriage made in heaven delightfully prevented any problem with leaf miners during our ten years of living there. We never used any poisons so neem leaves truly became our great friends.
4. I routinely soaked small leafy branches of neem in a big bucket of water for a few days. When it became ripe and smelled bad I strained it and we applied it with a sprayer to the vegetables I was growing and to vulnerable flowering plants.
Photographed: On my basil in Crown Point, Tobago, in 2018.
Warning: Although eating the leaves of leaf miner affected plants may seem okay. It isn't. You should always remove and destroy affected leaves to remain healthy and to control more infestations in the future.


**Mole Crickets (In Montserrat)
Pictured on the right these are highly specialized grass and garden killing machines -- Mole Crickets. They are also triathlon champions as they can swim and fly and burrow under the soil -- truly worthy adversaries.

Most people in Montserrat where we lived at that time invited Mr. King to completely poison their properties. This has not proved to be successful anywhere it was tried, but staying up on the latest facts isn't a strong suit on that island.

We got on the internet and found a workable alternative to the almost completely ineffective poison -- soapy water. Every morning my husband Stassi suited up with one of those large backpack garden sprayers filled with water and the recommended lemon scented powdered detergent. He walked around the garden identifying likely mole cricket holes and began spraying. The two in the photograph are a good example of what would happen within a minute. Mole crickets don't like being soaped! It worked like a charm and was very effective even if more labor intensive than hiring the useless Mr. King.
Text and Photograph © 2008

Treatment: Many years ago when in Panajachel, Guatemala, the elderly owner of our quaint hotel told us to use the old fashioned variety of Colgate toothpaste on mosquito bites to stop the itching. It’s marvelous, though you may appear temporarily splotchy. You can also crush guava leaves and apply them to the bites. Just this week an excellent dermatologist in Guatemala City explained that the mint in toothpaste calms the skin. Maybe I'll try a mint tea rather than the toothpaste.
Text ©KO 2008 and 2013

Mystery Bug
I thought this an amazingly beautiful and exotic moth, but I truly have no idea. It was inside the house and we carefully took it outside and left it to fly.
Photographed in San Buenaventura on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala in 2010.


**Root Knot Nematodes
This is a common problem in agriculture in the Caribbean. Since these critters live in the soil, infected plants are identified by knot formations on their roots.
Treatment: The problem can be alleviated, not cured, by inter planting marigolds with more vulnerable vegetables. This control method will take a year or two before you will notice improvement. The marigold treatment worked very well for us, no question.
Text ©KO 2008 and GreenGardeningCookingCuring.c0m 2013
**What this little fellow below was a mystery for some years, but we got word it is a species of Hawk Moth (In Montserrat).

**Spiders (In Montserrat)
A friend of ours happens to be an entomologist and we can easily quote him saying, "There is no such thing as a good spider. They are all poisonous." I never would have agreed with him while I lived in Rhode Island where "daddy longlegs" are very common. I'd never had a spider bite and never dreamed of having one. Then I moved south to Washington, DC, where I got my first spider bite. It was red and itchy and painful at the same time and I quickly changed my opinion of these little beasts. I think it's fine for them to be living outside, but in the house I work hard to move them out where they belong without using any pesticides.

Here are some techniques for repelling spiders.
1. The aromas of eucalyptus, mint or lemon are said to repel them.
At Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, we have found that mint works very well, but it is not common in many areas where we have lived to have access to large bunches of fresh mint. I am allergic to eucalyptus and could not tell you which I fear more, the allergy symptoms or the spider bites. We haven't yet tried lemons.
2. Burning the dried stems and leaves of a plant called pericon has also proven very effective.
In Mexico we lived in a four century old building with very high wooden ceilings and 16" square support beams. This is the environment that spiders and scorpions dream about as did we, but I was getting multiple 2" diameter bites that made life very uncomfortable until we were told what to do. The dried pericon is lit in an hibachi or something similar. Once it lights, you blow it out and let is simply smoke until your rooms are filled with it. Once the pericon has expired, open your windows and go out for lunch. When you get back the spiders will have moved on.


Alabama Jumpers

These were the first worms I learned were destructive in the soil as well as often being startling as they jump wriggling from it. Apparently they are voracious root eaters which we discovered when they decimated our amaryllis bed. Of huge bulbs only a few survived the onslaught of Alabama Jumpers. To give you an idea of how bad a problem they might be, we removed over 200 large jumpers from a 1 square yard area of garden.

Web Options I found:

1. A 20% solution of vinegar and water will spell death to the jumpers.
2. Neem and BT apparently don't work.

What has worked for us:

1. We noticed when tossing out soapy water from our clothes washing basin on the soil one day it brought worms to the surface in apparent distress. We didn't know if it killed them so we did a small test area and found that it didn't, but it did bring them up where we could catch and remove them. The soap did seem to kill the tiny ones.

We now spread a simple "lemon scent" detergent on the ground liberally and spray it with the hose until the ground is wet and soapy. Next we wait and watch as the jumpers appear and collect them in an old straight sided pot. When it appears we have harvested as many as will come to the surface, we put the pot in the sun and go on to better things.

2. When preparing potting soil you surely don't want these critters in the dirt. The best way we've found is to place the dirt on a large plastic sheet in the sun. Next sprinkle lime on it and rake it in. Leave it in the sun for a few days raking it to evenly expose it to the sun's heat and then you're ready to go.

Please do get in touch if you have easier or more effective solutions.

This isn't actually a caiman, but a warning about caiman in the ponds dotted around an upscale neighborhood in Tobago. We saw these warning signs as well at the Magdalena Hotel golf course and at their nearby residences.
Photographed: In a gated community in Golden Grove, Tobago, in 2018.
Windburn See The "P" Page -- PALMS --Cabbage Palm
Winter Starburst  See the "F" Page -- FIREWORKS

**Wisteria Wisteria chinensis DC or Native Wisteria (Australia) Hardenbergia comptoniana
This is one of my very favorite plants. I have loved it since I was a little girl spending hours sitting next to it in the garden whenever it was in bloom. I have recently planted the seeds I bought in Australia and am keeping my fingers crossed.
Benefits: The scent of these flowers is a little like my concept of heaven.
From: China
Planting and Care: The wisteria is a fairly flexible wonder. Plant it in full sun or partial shade in almost any type of soil. Provide routine rainfall or watering until the plants are settled in and then water when it seems too dry.
Text and Photographs © 2014

Photographed: By the side of the road crossing Sicily north to South, Italy, 2012.
Photographed: By the side of the road crossing Sicily north to South, Italy, 2012.

Wood Sorrel See the "S" Page -- SHAMROCK I AND SHAMROCK II


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